Bumper Stickers That Are Guaranteed to Make You Laugh

Published on December 7, 2020
We have all seen funny bumper stickers. If you haven’t, what rock have you been living under? For the majority who have, you’ve probably been sitting in traffic, an entry ramp on the highway, or at a red light. It’s a simple and underrated item on a car, but it holds the potential to bring a whole lot of joy to someone in an instant. That’s why we have dedicated an entire list to showcasing some of the most laughable bumper stickers out there. If you’ve had a long day and want some quality entertainment to cure your blues, then continuing reading.

Drivers Don’t Like Tailgates

It isn’t very often that you see a truck with a message attached to it unless it’s a company logo or a number where you can report bad driving. However, this bumper seems to be an incredibly creative and funny way of the driver saying that he doesn’t like tailgates.

Drivers Don’t Like Tailgates

Drivers Don’t Like Tailgates

A Message for the Traffic Officers

What a brilliant way of telling a traffic officer where to put it – and by ‘it,’ we mean the traffic ticket that’s bound to come from driving at 50 miles per hour in a 35-mph area. It seems like this isn’t the first time the driver has experienced this exact scenario.

A Message For The Traffic Officers

A Message For The Traffic Officers


It’s the Honey and the Money

Why get matching tattoos when you can consolidate your connection by making your partnership into a bumper sticker. Even better is that the couple is surrounded by tons of money. What an excellent way to bring fortune to the relationship than with some big bucks!

It’s The Honey And The Money

It’s The Honey And The Money


A Wrestling Fan

If you’re a fan of pro wrestling, then this is the right bumper sticker for you. Alright! It may not exactly be a bumper sticker, but we’re counting it as one because it’s exceptionally executed. One thing is for sure; it’s guaranteed to score some giggles.


A Wrestling Fan


An Honor Student

One moment you’re minding your own business, studying hard, and getting those straight A’s. The next, you’re struggling to pass the year. There are a good few people that can relate to this storyline. However, not too many individuals are confident enough to display it on their car.

An Honor Student

An Honor Student


It’s Not Only Kids Who Matter

This is definitely the bumper sticker that most people need. There’s no doubt that adults who spot this bumper sticker are cheering for this comment. On a different note, has anyone really seen a baby in a car that has a baby on board bumper sticker?

It's Not Only Kids Who Matter

It’s Not Only Kids Who Matter


Keeping the Aliens Away

Although we don’t have any proof that aliens exist, we also don’t have any scientific evidence that they don’t exist. Thus, this bumper sticker could actually be very helpful. Even if you don’t encounter any aliens, it sure is a brilliant way to ensure your kids remain buckled.

Keeping The Aliens Away

Keeping The Aliens Away


Guaranteed Giggles

This is a very well-thought-out bumper sticker. Who would have thought to stick an image of a guy spreading salt in the exact position where a salt truck spreads? We know who would think of such an idea: a genius!

Guaranteed Giggles

Guaranteed Giggles


The Gas Struggle

We all know this feeling, right? You’re driving somewhere and you suddenly realize that you’re out of gas. It really is an awful feeling, and we’re sure you’ve wanted to do what that little man in the picture is doing when your gas tank is empty.

The Gas Struggle

The Gas Struggle


A Cool Bumper Sticker

For some people, they may have been cool but have lost their touch a little bit. However, in cases like this, you may not need to be cool if you have a cool bumper sticker. At least this sticker can remind the driver of the good old days.

A Cool Bumper Sticker

A Cool Bumper Sticker



Would this even be a good-quality list of bumper stickers if a mathematical-related one wasn’t mentioned? We didn’t think so. This ‘Don’t Drink and Derive’ sticker is a humorous and family-friendly accessory to any car that helps spread awareness against drinking and driving.

Mathematics Related

Mathematics Related


A Little Rusty

What came first: the chicken or the egg? Well, our question would be, ‘what came first: the incredibly funny bumper sticker or the rust. These are complex questions that are yet to be answered. Let’s just hope that the answers soon arise!

A Little Rusty

A Little Rusty



This is something pretty unique to put on a bumper sticker that has us questioning whether it’s advertising or someone just trying to show off their epic beer-making skills. It’s smart marketing if that’s its purpose. Otherwise, you’re bound to have some new friends after driving around for a while.




A Painful Experience

Some bumper stickers are deemed funny from the quirkiness displayed. Others are directed at a particular group of people, and some are simply funny because of the honesty detailed in its design. This hits all three categories – it’s honest, quirky, and directed.

A Painful Experience

A Painful Experience


An Excellent Insurance Policy

Honesty is the best policy, and in this case, it’s also the best insurance policy. If you’re struggling to spot the bumper sticker, it says, ‘Please don’t hit me. I’m not 100 percent certain about my insurance policy. Quite brilliant if you ask us!

An Excellent Insurance Policy

An Excellent Insurance Policy


A Demanding Bumper Sticker

With a bumper sticker that reads, “Don’t look at my bumper sticker,” how can we not? Don’t you know that the more you tell someone not to do something, they’re more inclined to do so. It also doesn’t help that you don’t have a bumper on your Lamborghini. Of course, people are going to stare!

A Demanding Bumper Sticker

A Demanding Bumper Sticker



Don’t you just hate it when you’re driving and suddenly you’re hit with a wave of exhaustion. Wouldn’t it be great to receive a little honk each time you feel your eyes getting a little sleepy? Well, that’s exactly the request this bumper sticker is making.




Putting a Stop to 2020

2020 is definitely the year that not many people are going to remember fondly. It’s not an exaggeration that the world was turned into a dystopian state. This man’s solution to this time was to have a giant meteor stop the year.

Putting A Stop To 2020

Putting A Stop To 2020


Let the Chicken Cross the Road

This bumper sticker is very considerate and we’re sure that chickens all across the world are thanking you. However, this is never going to happen, so you better pack your bags and move to Mars because people are always going to ask, ‘Why did the chicken cross the road?’

Let The Chicken Cross The Road

Let The Chicken Cross The Road


If You Can Read This…

Don’t you just hate signs like these? We sure do! Why have such an enticing statement and then place something pointless underneath it. We can just picture someone racing up to the van to catch a glimpse of what the bumper sticker says just to be left disappointed.

If You Can Read This...

If You Can Read This…


Don’t Read It

Don’t you just hate it when a bumper sticker tells you what to do? Of course, you’re going to read it! However, this bumper sticker comes with an excellent surprise, but do you really need a bumper sticker tell you you’re a rebel?

Don’t Read It

Don’t Read It



We definitely need a science-related bumper sticker on this list. However, we’re not sure if this bumper sticker is exactly scientific. Can one small branch from a pine tree truly be enough to offset all the carbon emissions from a standard car? We don’t think so.

Science Related

Science Related


Playing Clever Tricks

What better way to accessorize your car with a bumper sticker than incorporate your car’s existing features to compliment the sticker. This sticker plays a clever trick and uses the name of the model to finish the joke. It’s simply brilliant!

Playing Clever Tricks

Playing Clever Tricks


Good Values

We love a smart truck driver who knows what he wants. We especially love a truck driver who wants a woman to be valued in the workplace. We’re certain that this driver definitely got some brownie points from the women who spotted the sticker.

Good Values

Good Values


It’s Captain Obvious!

Well, if you’ve been looking for Captain Obvious, it seems that we have located him, and he’s behind the wheel of a car accessorized with an incredibly obvious bumper sticker – a classic from the Captain. We can only imagine what accessories he has for his home.

It’s Captain Obvious!

It’s Captain Obvious!


Keep Your Enemies Close

We definitely believe that everyone should encounter a sign like this in their lifetime. It isn’t just an important reminder to keep your enemies close; it’s also hilarious. When you think of it, the difference between wrestling and snuggling is simply perspective.

Keep Your Enemies Close

Keep Your Enemies Close


Feed Me!

We doubt that the driver of this car placed this bumper sticker on the car. This has to be a funny joke shared among friends. It seems that this driver has the reputation of always having an empty tank. Hopefully, this is going to remind them to feed their car some much needed gasoline.

Feed Me!

Feed Me!


A Tasty Treat

This is a great reminder not to meddle in the affairs of dragons if you encounter one. Even though this bumper sticker is morbid and medieval, it certainly is funny. It’s also good to know that we can be served alongside ketchup.

A Tasty Treat

A Tasty Treat


The Former Baby

You should always drive safely. It doesn’t matter if you have a tiny or former baby in the car. It’s definitely important to drive safely when there’s a baby present in the car, but it’s just as important to drive well when there’s a regular in the car.

The Former Baby

The Former Baby


A Conundrum

What makes this bumper sticker a conundrum? Well, it can rather be classified as a conundrum taking the form of a paradox. A simple question comes to mind when reading this: ‘Then why do you have a bumper sticker on your car?’

A Conundrum

A Conundrum


Setting Things Straight

Can you believe that some people don’t believe gravity to be real? Well, there is, and this bumper sticker is certainly going to get up their nose. Although, one important factor you need to consider is whether or not gravity is going to pull you over and hand you a traffic ticket.

Setting Things Straight

Setting Things Straight


A Fake Fan

Although this bumper sticker is very funny, it’s clearly false. We know this because there aren’t any honor students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The owner of this car obviously hasn’t read the whole series, which is quite a pity.

A Fake Fan

A Fake Fan


A Strange Request

There are only two categories that people with these bumper stickers can fit into. These categories include either eccentric individuals or people who don’t have kids. It could possibly be both. However, those with kids certainly don’t want any additional noise.

A Strange Request

A Strange Request


Fossil Fuel

This bumper sticker is incredibly clever and a brilliant topic to bring up with your kids while you’re driving on the road. It may be an insensitive method of bringing up that dinosaurs are no longer roaming the Earth, but it sure is a creative way of explaining fossil fuel.

Fossil Fuel

Fossil Fuel


Not an iPhone

This may not be an iPhone, but that doesn’t distract from the fact that it’s pretty darn clever. However, it does spark an idea that we’re hoping Apple is going to bring to life one day: an iCar. Imagine all the nifty features included in the design.

Not An IPhone

Not An IPhone


Good Advice

You should always want to be kind to your children. This is especially the case when you come to the revelation that your children are ultimately going to choose your nursing home. Be kind and get rewarded later down the line.

Good Advice

Good Advice


Marriage and Divorce

This bumper sticker certainly does feel personal. The driver of the car is definitely against divorce. Otherwise, they have had a bad experience and are advocating against it. However, the best solution to all of this is to remain single and ready to mingle!

Marriage And Divorce

Marriage And Divorce


Is It a Lie?

Although many may find this statement insulting, the truth is that Siberian huskies are exceptionally smart. However, so are honor students, but the real question is who could survive the longest if stranded in the woods?

Is It A Lie?

Is It A Lie?


A Reasonable Explanation

Speeding is never okay unless you’re in the middle of an emergency. This driver understands that and wishes to explain his speeding ways to help gain sympathy, and it really does work because we’ve all been there are know the feeling.

A Reasonable Explanation

A Reasonable Explanation


A Valid Claim

When you have a truck, many people automatically think that you can help them move. This is obviously not always the case, and sometimes you get sick of people asking. The bumper sticker’s purpose is to inform people of this, even though it’s also very funny.

A Valid Claim

A Valid Claim