This Is How The Ideal Female Body Type Has Changed Over The Last Century

Published on December 20, 2022

Just as fashion changes with clothing, throughout the years the ideal body type also goes in and out of style. Over the last century, what was considered to be ideal and most attractive has dramatically changed. Sometimes the shifts have been more subtle, and other times the difference is staggering between consecutive decades. It’s interesting to see how the ideal body type reflects how a society views women, which is also reflected in who becomes a celebrity. Let’s take a look at the ways the ideal female body type has changed over the last century.

Ideal Body Types Have Changed Dramatically Throughout The Years

Ideal Body Types Have Changed Dramatically Throughout The Years

The Gibson Girl Of The 1910s

During the 1910’s, it was quite expensive to publish photos in magazines, so many times companies would hire illustrators to advertise their products instead. A famous illustrator of the time was Charles Dana Gibson, who was known for his illustrations of women wearing corsets and dresses, giving them this hourglass figure and a very straight posture.

The Gibson Girl Of The 1910s

The Gibson Girl Of The 1910s

Camille Clifford

Camille Clifford was an actress and model who was best known as one of the most famous Gibson Girl illustrations model. She was known for her 18-inch wasp waist that was achieved by wearing a tight corset underneath a long gown.

Camille Clifford

Camille Clifford