Navy SEAL Finally Takes Revenge On Porch Thieves

Published on March 16, 2023

Arthur’s Plan

Despite making multiple calls to the police, Arthur received no assistance in resolving the issue of porch theft. Undeterred, he set to work creating the ultimate revenge box, intended to teach the next porch pirate a lesson they wouldn’t soon forget. This thief would quickly discover that Arthur possessed a unique set of skills and an unusual hobby that made him more than capable of handling the situation.

Arthur's Plan

Arthur’s Plan

Navy SEAL Training

Arthur’s background as a former Navy SEAL specializing in Unconventional Warfare had prepared him for the most dangerous of missions, with grueling training that tested his physical and mental endurance. This experience had forged his mind that relied on calculation and determination to overcome any obstacle. In his free time, Arthur also enjoyed constructing booby traps, a hobby that would prove invaluable when dealing with the porch pirates who had targeted him. Unaware of the perfect storm they were creating, these thieves had no idea who they were dealing with.

Navy SEAL Training

Navy SEAL Training