Nothing Helped This Sick Lioness until She Got a New Neighbor

Published on January 11, 2021
Shelia the lion is a gorgeous lioness who has spent the majority of her life as a show animal and was forced to perform at private parties. Her health started to quickly deteriorate after years of working as a performance animal. In addition to this, her caretaker couldn’t afford to get her property veterinary care. That’s when animal rights activists rescued her. However, it looked as though she was too far gone to make a full recovery. It was suggested to put her down, but that all changed after something incredible happened. This is what happened to her.

About Shelia

Shelia was one of the lionesses rescued by the Department of Agriculture in July 2009. Many of the lions from that year were in poor shape. However, her condition was especially dire.

About Shelia

About Shelia

Her Condition

Shelia was extremely underweight, weak, and frail. Those who rescued her believed that there wasn’t much hope for her, but that didn’t stop them from taking a chance and helping her anyway. They wished to give her an opportunity to get better.

Her Condition

Her Condition


The Causes

Shelia was a lion that was rescued from an entertainment center in Texas. The reason for him being in this entertainment center was to make her owner significant amounts of money from performing in high-profile and private parties. She wasn’t the only lion in the entertainment center.

The Causes

The Causes


Her Caretaker

Shelia was the property of her caretaker, who was incredibly cruel to all of the lions that she owned, not just Shelia. Despite all the money that Shelia was making for the caretaker, he didn’t bother providing any veterinary aid when she started getting sick.

Her Caretaker

Her Caretaker


Her Life in Captivity

Shelia had spent the majority of her life in captivity at the entertainment center located in Texas. She had been forced to perform since she was a little cub. She first appeared in photoshoots and was treated as a pet before being forced into the entertainment industry.

Her Life In Captivity

Her Life In Captivity


Her Health Issues

After being rescued, it was clear that she was suffering from a coordination problem. Soon enough, she was struggling to stand up on her own. The weakening of her muscles caused this. It was so bad that she could barely lift her head to drink water or eat.

Her Health Issues

Her Health Issues


Not a Rare Story

Sadly, Shelia’s story isn’t unique. There are many animals that are taken out of the wild each year for entertainment purposes. It isn’t rare that the majority of these animals aren’t cared for properly and end up having a very short lifespan.

Not A Rare Story

Not A Rare Story


In the Hands of Specialists

Shelia was in very bad condition that her rescuers decided that it would be best to hand her over to In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Education Center, an animal social welfare organization. Many believed that euthanizing was the best option, but they wanted to give her one last opportunity.

In The Hands Of Specialists

In The Hands Of Specialists



Shelia was then taken into In-Sync. At first, she wasn’t responding well to the treatment that these specialists were giving her. However, everyone was determined to save her life, and they were willing to do anything. They even hand-fed her because she couldn’t eat on her own.




No Improvement

The team at In-Sync was going everything they could to save Shelia’s life, but nothing was working. Her health was still the same since she first arrived. One of the specialists said that she had very little muscle coordination, which wasn’t a good sign.

No Improvement

No Improvement


Nothing Helped

The specialists at In-Sync had many years of experience working with wild animals that were left in poor condition. However, they had never seen a case as dire and complex as Shelia’s. It looked as though the lioness didn’t even want to get better.

Nothing Helped

Nothing Helped


A Big Problem

Her rescuers thought that Sheila had completely given up, as her condition wasn’t improving. In fact, after a few days of lethargy and weakness, Shelia completely stopped moving. She threw up everything she ate. This put the team in a very difficult position.

A Big Problem

A Big Problem


A Tough Decision

The team at In-Sync was quickly running out of options. They were trying their absolute best to help Shelia, but nothing was working. After a couple of weeks of working tirelessly to help Shelia’s condition, they began considering euthanizing Sheila.

A Tough Decision

A Tough Decision


Their Reasoning

It was a very tough and disheartening idea to consider, but Shelia lived a life of difficulty and pain. The team at In-Sync had to come to terms with the fact that euthanizing Shelia would give her a peaceful end to her life.

Their Reasoning

Their Reasoning


A Chance

Her rescuers didn’t want to lose Shelia. She had lived her life the way she was supposed to, as she spent most of it in captivity. That’s why the team wanted to give her a chance to enjoy the life she had remaining.

A Chance

A Chance


She Was Different

Shelia didn’t look like other lions. She had fur that was very blonde, which made her stand apart from all of the other lions. Her unique appearance was the reason she was worth so much to her previous owner and explained why she was overworked so much.

She Was Different

She Was Different


A Diagnosis

Lionesses like Shelia are typically found in South Africa. When new information was discovered, the team was actually prepared to euthanize the poor lion. Shelia was suffering from a disease called toxoplasmosis and a lack of vitamin A. What did this mean?

A Diagnosis

A Diagnosis


Her Disease

Shelia was suffering from toxoplasmosis, which meant that there were parasites located in her bloodstream. This particular type of disease can be fatal for members of the feline family. With this information, her team was able to place her on the right medication.

Her Disease

Her Disease


The Symptoms

Toxoplasmosis develops in cats when their immune system isn’t strong enough to fight against infections. The years of improper care to Shelia’s health led to her immune system weakening. This was what was causing her reduced coordination, lethargy, and many other symptoms.

The Symptoms

The Symptoms


Her Antibiotics

After being diagnosed with toxoplasmosis, Shelia’s caretakers started on antibiotics immediately. Although Shelia was starting these antibiotics quite late in her condition, her caretakers were going to do everything they could to help save her. However, it wasn’t an easy task to get the lioness to take her medication.

Her Antibiotics

Her Antibiotics


Getting Better

Immediately after receiving her antibiotics, Shelia started to get better and began walking and eating on her own. Everyone believed that she was getting better because of her medication, but it was actually for a completely different reason. What was the reason?

Getting Better

Getting Better


A Huge Improvement

In-Sync later released information about Shelia’s massive improvement. She regained muscle control and could swallow easily. Everyone was shocked at the quick recovery the lioness had. Surely it wasn’t just antibiotics. That’s when they realized that it was something much more than medication.

A Huge Improvement

A Huge Improvement


Gaining a Friend

The enclosure that she was located in had a second enclosure attached to it. There was another animal staying in this enclosure that helped Shelia feel healthier and happier. When the staff at In-Sync realized what had happened, they were shocked.

Gaining A Friend

Gaining A Friend


Meet Kahn

It looked as though Sheila had developed a crush on her neighbor, who was another lion named Kahn. The two lions had grown incredibly close since he moved in, and this was the reason for Shelia’s rapid recovery, and it seems Shelia had the same effect on Kahn.

Meet Kahn

Meet Kahn


The Same

Kahn was six years old at the time of his rescue and had been rescued a few months before Shelia was brought to In-Sync. Kahn had also been working in Texas’s entertainment industry, and his owners mistreated him.

The Same

The Same


A Bad Place

Kahn was in horrible condition from being forced to perform for many years. When he was rescued, he was malnourished and around 100 pounds, which is well below the average of a lion his age. It was clear that he was beaten and overworked.

A Bad Place

A Bad Place


His Frustration

Due to Kahn’s extremely poor living conditions and the way he was forced to work, he was so stressed out and he began to chew his own tail off. The tip of his tail was entirely swollen and raw. If he wasn’t rescued, he would have developed a severe infection that could have killed him.

His Frustration

His Frustration



His caretakers say that Kahn was incredibly aggressive when he first came to the rescue center. Due to this, it was very difficult for the team to help and interact with him. He was very aggressive when it was feeding time because he never was given enough food from his previous owners.




A Fighter

Unlike Shelia, Kahn hadn’t given up his will to live. Due to this, he was able to recover quickly, and soon, his aggressive nature was transformed into a relaxed and calm manner. He soon fit right in with the rest of the lions in the center.

A Fighter

A Fighter


A Better Environment

Kahn quickly felt at home at the rescue center. The team was able to include cinder-block stairs into his enclosure to make it easier for him to move into his den. Now he had more time to relax and stretch out.

A Better Environment

A Better Environment


Needing a Friend

Lions are known to be very social creatures. Because of this, it’s very upsetting that Shelia and Kahn were isolated from other lions for so long. The moment that these lions were placed next to each other, their friendship immediately developed.

Needing A Friend

Needing A Friend


Different Responses

Both Kahn and Shelia went through very similar experiences, but they reacted to these situations in different ways. It was much easier to treat Kahn and get him better. On the other hand, Shelia was more of a struggle. Their personalities played a role in this.

Different Responses

Different Responses



As time cwent on, the lions both started improving drastically until they were completely healthy and happy. The two lions were eventually placed in the same enclosure together. Their relationship was quickly developing. Can you guess where this was going to end up?




A Developing Relationship

Kahn and Shelia’s friendship quickly developed into something much more. The lions were soon completely smitten with one another. It was clear that both lions were very attached to one. Don’t believe us? Well, look at what happens next for the couple.

A Developing Relationship

A Developing Relationship


Taking Precautions

The team at In-Sync would easily notice that the two lions were clearly smitten with one another. That’s when they decided to let the two animals share an enclosure. However, they first spayed Shelia to ensure that there wouldn’t be any pregnancies.

Taking Precautions

Taking Precautions



After months of supervised and unsupervised ‘dates,’ the couple were finally moved into a special enclosure where they got to spend their ‘we’ time. The team at In-Sync has gone on to say that Shelia is the boss of the relationship.




A Happy Pair

Kahn and Shelia can’t seem to get enough of each other. Since being placed together, both Kahn and Shelia have had a full recovery. Shelia enjoys playing with cardboard boxes and loves the attention from her caretakers, and Kahn is very possessive over Shelia.

A Happy Pair

A Happy Pair


Very Possessive

Kahn is especially fond of Shelia and does everything he can to make sure that she feels safe at all times. Kahn makes sure that every other lion knows that Shelia is only his. He even begins to roar and charge if there is a nearby threat.

Very Possessive

Very Possessive


The Man behind the Mistreatment

The man who has been the cause for many lions like Shelia and Kahn to be in such bad conditions is no longer entitled to look after any wild animals, including lions. This has affected his business, and he is suffering the appropriate consequences.

The Man Behind The Mistreatment

The Man Behind The Mistreatment


A Happy Ending

The story began with two animals in very horrible living conditions and has ended with healthy and happy lions who love each other. However, the story doesn’t always end like this. What would have happened if Shelia didn’t meet Kahn? No-one knows the answer, but we’re happy these two found each other.

A Happy Ending

A Happy Ending


A Similar Tale

Mariya and Aleksandr Dmitriev always loved cats. When it came to adopting, they decided to go big — literally. They became the caretakers of Messi, a puma born into captivity who was luckily rescued from an early death. Messi and his siblings Suarez and Neymar were born at the Saransk Zoo in Penza, Russia. Sadly, when he was just 3 months old, Messi started experiencing health issues.

A Similar Tale

A Similar Tale


Their Fate Changed

When Mariya and Aleksandr visited the zoo, they saw an 8 month old Messi. They dreamed of having a big cat, and when they found out that Messi was sick, they felt that they had to buy him and nurse him back to health.

Their Fate Changed

Their Fate Changed


Coming Home

The couple were surprised as to how easily they agreed to letting go of Messi. Their first priority was getting Messi back to good health. They knew that taking a large wildcat into their home would be a challenge, but they didn’t care. He was so weak the first few months they had him at home, and he was only able to grow to 2/3 the size he was meant to grow.

Coming Home

Coming Home


The Challenges

After the couple nursed Messi back to health, they had to turn their attention to raising a wild animal at home as if he were a house cat. They tried to find a trainer, but none agreed to work with them. They converted the hallway of their one bedroom apartment to be his den, along stairs to climb and they even brought a tree for him to scratch on.

The Challenges

The Challenges


Like A Dog

The couple finally were able to find a place that agreed to train Messi. The place was a dog training school. Just like dogs, Messi required a lot of physical exercise, but in captivity he was not able to be active. The couple had a special harness made for him and also started to walk him twice per day.

Like A Dog

Like A Dog


Some Dangers

Mariya and Aleksandr knew in their hearts that Messi is a gentle giant, but some animal activist disagreed with them. They said that Messi should not be living indoors and should be in the wild. The couple countered this argument by saying that he has never lived amongst other animals and wouldn’t be ready to do so.

Some Dangers

Some Dangers


Nothing Unlawful

The animal rights activists also claimed that Mariya and Aleksandr shouldn’t legally be able to own Messi. In Russia, there are very few laws regarding owning wild animals, meaning that the couple are fully allowed to Messi by law.

Nothing Unlawful

Nothing Unlawful


Social Media Star

One thing Messi got used to pretty quickly was the fact that he became a social media star quickly after he was brought home. By January 2021, he had over 1.4 million follows on Instagram and 1.61 YouTube subscribers. That is seriously impressive, as many people never reach this level of Internet fame!

Social Media Star

Social Media Star


Not A Fan Of The Vet

Although Mariya and Alkesandr nursed Messi back to health, he still had some remaining issues from his younger days. His muscular atrophy did not heal completely, so he has to continue to take supplements to strengthen his bones, as well as visit the vet regularly, which he is not a big fan of.

Not A Fan Of The Vet

Not A Fan Of The Vet


Becoming Argentina Supporters

When Mariya and Aleksandr first got Messi, they admitted that they never really cared about soccer. Now that Messi joined their family, they have started to tune into soccer games featuring team Argentina, the original Messi’s team. They said now they “cheer for the Argentina team simply because of our Messi.”

Becoming Argentina Supporters

Becoming Argentina Supporters


Not A Cheap Endeavor

As you might expect, it is not exactly a cheap undertaking to have a wild cat living in your home. He eats a diet of raw turkey, beef, and chicken twice per day. The couple say that each month, they pay about 20,000-40,000 rubles to feed Messi, which comes out to $300-$600 just for his food. Then there are all the other expenses.

Not A Cheap Endeavor

Not A Cheap Endeavor


Staying Entertained

The couple did everything they could to make sure that Messi would feel comfortable in the apartment. He loves playing with balls and empty bottles, and also a mini soccer ball that they were gifted by a Brazilian journalist. He also has a mirrored wall that keeps him entertained.

Staying Entertained

Staying Entertained


The Dog Training Worked

Although originally meant for dogs, the training classes that Mariya and Aleksandr took Messi to were actually working. He learned commands and is great with walking in his harness without pulling. He is also good friends with his doggie classmates.

The Dog Training Worked

The Dog Training Worked


House Trained Kitty

Believe it or not, Messi is not only well trained while out for walks outside, he is also house trained. He does his business while they are out on walks, and when they can’t get outside, he has been trained to go in the bathtub. He also quietly and calmly sits when Mariya and Aleksandr bathe him.

House Trained Kitty

House Trained Kitty


Cuddly Cat

Although it took him some time at first, eventually Messi became more affectionate and has started to act like any other house cat. He loves to cuddle and enjoys ear scratches. He does have his own bed, but he loves to cuddle with Aleksandr and Mariya. He has been trained not to have his claws out while on their bed.

Cuddly Cat

Cuddly Cat


Can Be Limiting

The couple has admitted that sometimes having a puma like Messi can be a bit limiting. They can’t take vacations that aren’t within driving distances because they don’t have a place to keep Messi, as most hotels won’t allow a puma. Aleksandr also said that he can’t meet his friends after work since he has to go walk Messi.

Can Be Limiting

Can Be Limiting


Keep Away From These Animals

Messi has never attacked a human, but Mariya and Aleksandr became aware of the fact that there are animals that Messi doesn’t like being around. Any animal that is larger than him scares him. Once, they took him to a farm and he made is very clear that he was not a fan of the cows there, but he did not harm them.

Keep Away From These Animals

Keep Away From These Animals


Kitty Siblings

Messi isn’t Aleksandr and Mariya’s only pet! They also have a Sphynx cat called Kira who has been around since before Messi joined the family. When the two first met, she hissed and tried to claw at Messi. She still has not come around to the puma, so Alexandr and Mariya keep them separate.

Kitty Siblings

Kitty Siblings


He Has No Idea

Even though Messi has a huge social media following, of course he has no idea about this. Mariya jokingly said that she “thanks God” he doesn’t know because “stars usually have demands” and is happy “he does not ask for royal shrimps for breakfast.”

He Has No Idea

He Has No Idea


Not The Only One

Even though they have Kira and Messi, Alexandr and Mariya still want more cats. They know that this means that they need to move to a larger home, and that is their plan. They want to adopt a leopard so that Messi can have a large cat companion.

Not The Only One

Not The Only One