Meet Sarah and Leah
The story behind these twin sisters is something that doesn’t seem possible and is definitely considered a miracle by some. The sisters never planned to become pregnant at the same time, but they did, and it only gets better from there.

Meet Sarah And Leah
The Twin Bond
Despite the twin bond that they shared, the sisters didn’t plan to become pregnant at the same time. However, the sisters did state that it’s incredibly strange that big events in their lives had always coincided, and their pregnancies were the same.

The Twin Bond
Don’t Ask How
Sarah has gone on to say that she knew that she wasn’t the only sister that had important news to share. She doesn’t know how she knew, but she felt like Leah was pregnant as well. This is something the sisters call ‘Twintuition.’

Don’t Ask How
Jumping for Joy
Leah told her story first, and Sarah began jumping for joy when she found out that her sister’s baby was due days after her own. The sisters were so happy for each other. However, no one around them knew what was going to happen.

Jumping for Joy
During Their Pregnancies
In theory, the twins becoming pregnant at the same time could happen. However, it’s still very rare for something like this to happen. The sisters made a huge effort to ensure each one knew their state of affairs throughout their pregnancies.

During Their Pregnancies
A Special Time
The sisters were living their lives completely attuned. This was made even more clear when the twins eventually gave birth on the same day. It was the end of June when Sarah knew that her baby was ready to be welcomed into the world.

A Special Time
At the Same Time
At the same time, her sister, Leah, was being sent to the hospital. Both sisters were about to give birth on the same day. However, many people wondered who was going to be the new mother first. What do you think?

At The Same Time
The Babies
Samantha Lynne and Reid Joseph were both born at the exact same time but in different hospitals. This means that the cousins share the same birthday, just like their moms. The sisters have gone on to say that they are very excited for the babies to grow up together.

The Babies
Meet Jalynne and Janelle
Jalynne and Janelle are twin sisters that always planned on getting pregnant together. However, it took a lot of planning in order to make their dreams a reality. Both of the sisters needed to endure a long and difficult period of trying to get pregnant.

Meet Jalynne And Janelle
Early Ages
From an early age, the twins had always talked about how they wanted to get married and pregnant at the same time. However, this took a while for it to eventually come true. Both of the sisters had difficulty becoming pregnant.

Early Ages
Becoming Pregnant
When the sisters did eventually become pregnant, they did so at the same time. This was a very special moment for them, as their lives were finally going well. However, their joy was short-lived as something bad happened not too long after.

Becoming Pregnant
A Death
Jalynne and Janelle had an older sister who died unexpectedly after suffering a violent asthma attack. The older sister had two children and a husband at the time of her death. The entire family had a tough time dealing with the death of their family member.

A Death
Far Apart
What made the situation worse was that the sisters didn’t often see each other. This was largely because Jalynne’s husband, Brandon, was a well-known athlete. Brandon makes his living as a professional baseball player.

Far Apart
Her Husband’s Job
Jalynne was preparing to give birth when her husband was preparing for a competition across the country. He played baseball for the San Francisco Giants, which meant that he often traveled for work. Jalynne seemed to be alone.

Her Husband’s Job
Ready to Give Birth
It seems like Janelle was ready to give birth to her baby. This was a problem for the twins’ parents because they couldn’t be present at both of their grandchildren’s birth. It seemed impossible because the due dates were so close.

Ready To Give Birth
The Possibilities
One solution to this problem would be to have both sisters give birth at the same hospital. This would provide them with the ability to be together, and their parents could support both of the sisters. After everything, this was a welcomed solution.

The Possibilities
The Birth
The babies were born only a few hours apart, and the twins both gave birth to boys. However, something incredible happened that day. Even though the boys had different mothers and fathers, they both looked alike.

The Birth
Another Story
Although Jalynne and Janelle’s story is unique, it’s not the only one out there. Something similar happened in Massachusetts. Becky and Rachel are sisters who both welcomed a child in adjoining rooms at Mount Auburn Hospital. Their babies looked exactly the same.

Another Story
Something Special
Becky and Rachel were like most twins. They had spent their entire lives being each other’s best friend. They did everything together and had the names on necklaces to help others tell the difference between them. Having a baby on the same day was just the cherry on top of the cake.

Something Special
Living Apart
The twins eventually went off and started living their own lives. Becky moved to New York while Rachel remained closer to home and ended up making a place for herself in Boston. They lived their lives apart for a while, but they knew they needed each other when something important happened.

Living Apart
The Only Difference
The twins were very similar. However, the one place where they differed was the urge to find a boyfriend. Rachel always dating at found it quite fun. On the other hand, Becky had little interest in dating. Rachel later moved in with her boyfriend after graduation.

The Only Difference
Becky’s Love Life
However, Becky also found love after graduation, but she wished to take it slower than her sister. This largely came because Becky had a fear of commitment. She still wanted to keep her own apartment in New York.

Becky’s Love Life
The Phone Call
The sisters called regularly. However, this phone call was very touching. Rachel told her sister that she and her boyfriend had been trying to take the next step in their relationship and have a baby, but it was taking some effort.

The Phone Call
The Request
Rachel reminded Becky about how things would always work out when the twins both tried it. Rachel said that maybe if Becky tried to get pregnant, her sister would be able to fall pregnant as well. Becky didn’t know what to say.

The Request
A Surprise
Rachel’s request came as a huge surprise to Becky. Becky had always wanted a family, but she hadn’t thought about it recently. The sisters were now over 30, so it didn’t look like the right time to start thinking about a family.

A Surprise
Becky replied to her sister’s request stating that they should use their Twinpower once more to have a baby. However, the question became whether the kids would be able to fall pregnant together. What happened next?

A Positive Test
Rachel woke up feeling quite weird. That’s when she decided to take a pregnancy test. The result showed what she was hoping for. She was pregnant and couldn’t wait to call her sister and tell her the good news.

A Positive Test
More Good News
Three weeks later, Becky also found out that she was pregnant. The twins had used their twinpower once again, and they were now both expecting. Everything seemed to be going according to plan, and they couldn’t be happier.

More Good News
Welcoming the Babies
The twins were both hospitalized at the same time and in the same place. They both gave birth to baby boys just hours apart from each other. The doctors then discovered a remarkable thing. Both of the boys were noisy and relentless after birth.

Welcoming The Babies
What They Noticed
The doctors thought that this relentlessness and noise behavior was due to stomach cramps. However, everyone soon realized that the babies only cried when they were apart. They calmed down the moment they were placed together.

What They Noticed
Michelle and Sarah’s Story
Michelle, along with her husband, Pete, had never really mentioned having children. They weren’t too considered about having a child or not. However, Michelle felt quite strange one day and decided to take a pregnancy test.

Michelle And Sarah’s Story
Her Results
Michelle’s feelings had not failed her, and she was indeed pregnant. The couple was very happy to be having a child and booked an appointment at a local hospital to see that everything was going well. However, they didn’t expect what was coming next.

Her Results
The Appointment
Michelle and her husband found out that they were pregnant with identical twins. This was a history that seemed to be repeating itself as Michelle was also a twin. After finding out that she was carrying twins, she called her sister to tell her.

The Appointment
Very Rare
The chances of having identical twins aren’t very likely. However, the fact that this happened in two consecutive generations was seen as being very rare. No obstetrician or gynecologist in that hospital had ever experienced such a thing.

Very Rare
A Realization
This type of situation was completely out of the ordinary. After the twins were born, Michelle soon realized what her parents must have gone through when she and her sister were born. The newborn girls were so alike that it was hard to tell them apart.

A Realization
Lucy and Anna’s Story
There are many twin stories out in the world, but Lucy and Anna’s story is certainly bizarre. The twins both have the same job, the same Instagram and Facebook account, and even the same boyfriend. The twins say that it makes sense because they have identical tastes.

Lucy And Anna’s Story
A Bizarre Tale
Lucy and Anna had announced that they wanted to marry their dream man together. In addition to this, they also wanted to become pregnant at the same time, with their shared boyfriend’s baby. This certainly was a special situation.

A Bizarre Tale
What Would It Be?
This caused a lot of confusion, and many people asked how these babies would be related. Would they be siblings, or would they be cousins? Nonetheless, the women got pregnant at the same time using in-vitro fertilization.

What Would It Be?
Tina and Louise’s Story
Identical twins Louise and Tina shared a one-in-a-million chance of having their babies at the same time, in the same hospital, and in the same ward. The babies were initially five days apart, but Tina’s water broke on the same day that Louise was giving birth.

Tina And Louise’s Story
Sharing a Room
The twins, who do everything together, shared the same room once they had both given birth to their babies. Louise had welcomed a son named Reggie, and Tina had welcomed a baby girl named Delilah.

Sharing A Room
Tina and Louise’s Experience
The twins have gone on to say that they loved the entire experience together. They mainly loved that they were so close together and got to experience the same feelings simultaneously. They were also able to give and receive the same support when needed.

Tina And Louise’s Experience