Woman Sues Neighbor, He Responds By Leaking Her Photos

Published on December 1, 2020
When it comes to neighbors, often it really is the luck of the draw. Some people will get lucky and have fantastic neighbors while others will end up absolutely miserable stuck next door to a nightmare. That’s what ended up happening in this case: a woman and her neighbor were locked in a crazy feud that ended up with the neighbor leaking her photos online. The craziest part? The reason behind their fight in the first place.

Unfriendly Neighbors

It seems like these days, it’s getting harder to come across kind and friendly neighbors. The sad reality is that all too often neighbors end up being total enemies as opposed to friends. That’s what happened with Kristopher Hess, who had a very bad fight with his neighbor that completely snowballed out of control.

Unfriendly Neighbors

Unfriendly Neighbors

The Root Of The Problem

Kristopher admitted that he had wronged his neighbor, but he never expected her to retaliate the way she did. He felt like she took things way too far, and that’s why he decided to look up her name in a search bar. What he found was truly shocking, and he knew he would get his revenge.

The Root Of The Problem

The Root Of The Problem


The Neighbor Involved

Kristopher Hess was 18 years old and working as a security guard when this ordeal took place. He fell into a routine that started to become a bit tiresome. He was working 16 hour shifts and would only get home at 8 in the morning. He was feeling that his life was very lonely, until one day he received a phone call.

The Neighbor Involved

The Neighbor Involved


The Phone Call

His childhood friend Mark was the person on the other end of the line, and he informed Kristopher that he would be in town for 4th of July weekend. Kristopher was so excited to see his friend that he decided to take some time off of work in order to fully enjoy the time together.

The Phone Call

The Phone Call


Independence Weekend

Kristopher thought that the two would spend Independence weekend celebrating with some beer, good food, and catching up. However, his friend Mark had an idea that would make things much more interesting. He thought that it would be really fun to get some fireworks in order to celebrate.

Independence Weekend

Independence Weekend


Gathering Resources

Kristopher made sure that his father would not be home before gathering his savings in order to purchase fireworks. After they stocked up, Kristopher and Mark laid out their bounty of fireworks on the floor. They had purchased Roman candles, cakes, bottle rockets, as well as sparklers.

Gathering Resources

Gathering Resources


The Plan

Kristopher and Mark were extremely excited about all of the fireworks they had purchased. That’s when Kristopher had an idea that he would come to regret. He thought it would be fun to mess around with some sparklers because it had not yet become dark outside. That’s when the trouble began.

The Plan

The Plan


A Massive Mistake

Kristopher and Mark decided to light the sparklers and start waving them around in order to create patterns of light in the air. It seemed like a fun, care-free afternoon for the two childhood friends. They laughed and reminisced together about the old times as they created new memories together.

A Massive Mistake

A Massive Mistake


A Fire

As the two were waving the sparklers around, a small spark escaped and fell onto the ground. Before the two knew what was happening, a fire had caught and became quite alarming. It started spreading and was rapidly approaching Kristopher’s neighbor’s yard.

A Fire

A Fire


An Opportunity

The fire had grown and was completely uncontrollable. Kristopher had no choice but to call 911 as Mark tried in vain to control the flames. Suddenly, the neighbor’s fence caught fire and she quickly caught on to what was happening. Patricia ran out and clarified what was going on. She seemed to be very understanding about the whole ordeal.

An Opportunity

An Opportunity


A Terrible Surprise

Kristopher expected to have a relaxing, fun weekend catching up with an old friend. Instead, he had a chaotic one. He returned to work, feeling unrested. After a long shift, he went back home, feeling that he just wanted to sleep. Unfortunately, when he got home, he found a horrible surprise waiting for him.

A Terrible Surprise

A Terrible Surprise


Expensive Damage

When Kristopher got home, he was greeted by two quotes left behind by his neighbor Patricia. One of the quotes was for replacing the fence, which came out to $4000. The second quote was for the cost of replacing the damaged lawn, which would cost $6000 total.

Expensive Damage

Expensive Damage


An Aspiring Con Artist

Kristopher showed his father the quotes, and after the two inspected them, they noticed that they had been typed out on Microsoft Word and didn’t seem to have any logos on them. Additionally, the neighbor also left behind a rude note that said that Kristopher had to pay her last 3 water bills.

An Aspiring Con Artist

An Aspiring Con Artist


Working It Out

Kristopher decided to consult with some friends of his who work as contractors and they informed him that these quotes were absolutely way too high. That’s when Kristopher decided to call professionals to receive a price quote for himself. That’s when things took an ugly turn.

Working It Out

Working It Out


The Cops Were Called

When the contractor arrived, Kristopher took him to the damaged lawn so he could assess the damage. However, shortly after, Patricia ran outside and informed them that the had no right to get an estimate for the fence. She then proceeded to call the police.

The Cops Were Called

The Cops Were Called


Patricia Was Unimpressed

After the big mess was sorted out, Kristopher was given a price quote for the fence, which came out to $1200. He also got a quote for re-seeding the lawn, which would cost about $800. When he provided these quotes to Patricia, she was unimpressed.

Patricia Was Unimpressed

Patricia Was Unimpressed


Enough Was Enough

One day, when Kristopher returned from a 16 hour shift, Patricia came knocking at his door, demanding that he speak to her. He told her politely that this was not the right time as he needed to catch up on his sleep. She then told him that he was lazy.

Enough Was Enough

Enough Was Enough


His Offer

After this remark, Kristopher felt like he was about to lose his cool. He told Patricia that she could either take the $2000 offered or get nothing at all. She pondered quietly for a moment and then accepted the offer. She agreed to meet with a notary the next morning.

His Offer

His Offer


She Was A No Show

Kristopher woke up in order to get everything in order for the meeting. However, when the time came, Patricia never showed up. Kristopher had brought the money and the contract that had been drawn. He waited for her for three hours, but she never came. She finally texted him, only to demand the original total she asked for.

She Was A No Show

She Was A No Show


Patiently Waiting

After that text, Kristopher noticed that his neighbor’s backyard was slowly transforming into something resembling an oasis. She had a small pond installed, as well as new sod, flowers, and many other features. It looked like she had grand plans for renovations and was taking advantage of the situation in order to get more money than she was owed.

Patiently Waiting

Patiently Waiting


Digging Up Some Dirt

Kristopher knew that he had made a mistake and caused damage to his neighbor’s property. That’s why he agreed to pay for these mistakes. However, he did not think it was fair that Patricia was trying to get more money than he owed her. He was so angry that he decided to look her name up online and see what he could find on her.

Digging Up Some Dirt

Digging Up Some Dirt


The Incriminating Pictures

What he discovered was truly crazy. He saw that Patricia had used the money that was meant for remodeling in order to pay for a vacation to Hawaii. Kristopher knew this was case because she had been bragging about this on a neighborhood Facebook group. Then he found the photos of her sipping drinks at a pricey hotel.

The Incriminating Pictures

The Incriminating Pictures


He Got Served

Four months after the fire had broken out and all of the remodeling had been finished, Kristopher found himself being served with papers summoning him to court over a sum of over $10,000. When he showed up to court, he showed all of the evidence he had gathered about the whole situation.

He Got Served

He Got Served


Her Day In Court

The judge listened to both sides and ultimately concluded that Kristopher was in the right. He told Patricia that she was out of her mind, as Kristopher had already offered her more than she was entitled to. The judge said that Kristopher had only owed her $1200, and eventually deducted the amount of Kristopher’s lawyer’s fee from it as well.

Her Day In Court

Her Day In Court


The End Result

After the whole ordeal was through, Patricia ended up with a deep financial loss. Though it was not clear how much her trip to Hawaii had cost her, she certainly ended up in debt. Ultimately she had to sell her home in order to recover the damage she had accrued and recover her finances.

The End Result

The End Result


Learned His Lesson

Kristopher learned a very important lesson from the whole ordeal: he no longer messes around with fireworks. More than that, he realized that even though only property was damaged in this case, the fireworks could have ended up hurting someone. However, it was good that he owned up to his mistake and took responsibility.

Learned His Lesson

Learned His Lesson


More Bad Neighbors

Kristopher’s case is truly one that stands out, but there is no shortage of bad neighbor stories out there. Here are some other crazy neighbor stories that people have shared on a Reddit thread.

More Bad Neighbors

More Bad Neighbors


A Second Court Case

Oner user shared that their neighbor took them to court for the most absurd reason. The neighbor was upset that the person’s dog had growled at her. The neighbor sued, claiming that the dog’s growl caused her distress, and she demanded $24,000.

A Second Court Case

A Second Court Case


Parking Spot

One person shared that they pay $125 for a reserved parking spot. However, when he got to the spot, he noticed that his neighbor was parked in a way that made it impossible for him to park, causing a serious inconvenience and forcing him to look for another parking spot.

Parking Spot

Parking Spot


Taking Out Trash

This Reddit user shared a truly gross story of how his neighbor was being extremely inconsiderate. This neighbor decided to send his trash downstairs by placing the bags in the elevator, instead of using the trash chutes and dumpsters available in the building.

Taking Out Trash

Taking Out Trash


Wake Up Calls

Sometimes neighbors are just plain weird, as one user shared. She said that she had a neighbor that decided to go around the hallway at 6 in the morning and bang on the walls in order to wake everyone up. She would then shout that there was too much noise, even though she was the one causing the racket.

Wake Up Calls

Wake Up Calls


Locking Doors

Oner Reddit user shared a truly chilling story. She said that one day her neighbor approached her and asked her why she kept her doors locked when she was home. When she asked him how he knew that, he told her that he had tried to open the door several times.

Locking Doors

Locking Doors


Thrown Soup

One user shared that they had a neighbor that had a habit of throwing soup at their window. Now, the person sharing the story also shared that they lived on the 16th floor, so the soup would end up all over all of the apartments below’s windows as well. When this person was confronted, they would refuse to open their door.

Thrown Soup

Thrown Soup


Bad Smells

Some neighbors are incredibly lazy to the point that it starts to affect the people living around them. This person chose to never get rid of their trash but rather pile it around their house. The only problem was that eventually the fence started to give, and the trash was threatening to spill over into the neighboring homes’ yards.

Bad Smells

Bad Smells


No Time

Sometimes neighbors seem to use up all of their time in order to annoy the people they live around, as if they have nothing better to do. One woman complained about every small thing, no matter how ridiculous. For example, she complained about a trash can being on the curb for a whole day.

No Time

No Time


Noisy Neighbors

Perhaps the most common issue with neighbors is when they make a lot of noise. Of course, it’s normal to make noise in certain times of the week, like a Friday night, but the courteous thing to do is to keep it down once it is past midnight. Of course, few people seem to care enough about being considerate.

Noisy Neighbors

Noisy Neighbors


Better Neighbor

Although it is really tempting to take revenge, often being the bigger person and responding with kindness is the right move. Of course, being friendly and neighborly in the first place will always help prevent clashes and can help make your living situation as pleasant as possible.

Better Neighbor

Better Neighbor


Noise Levels

Of course, you should be able to feel comfortable in your own home and not have to walk on eggshells. However, of course there are ways you can still be considerate to those living around you. It also depends on your living situation. While living in an apartment, you should keep in mind that there are others living in close proximity.

Noise Levels

Noise Levels


Golden Rule

The best thing you can do is follow the golden rule of being a good neighbor. Treat your neighbors with respect and keep your distance, avoid spreading neighborhood gossip, and try whenever you can to work through issues quickly and directly with those involved.

Golden Rule

Golden Rule


Curb Appeal

Of course, especially when you’re living in a neighborhood, keeping your home maintained can help avoid unpleasant confrontations as well. At the very least, you can keep your home at the same level as the surrounding homes, that way everything is uniform and nobody can get upset that something is sticking out.

Curb Appeal

Curb Appeal