The World’s Oldest Photos Help Shred Light on the Rare Side of History

Published on November 9, 2020

The Oldest Picture of a Living Person

This picture was taken of the Boulevard du Temple that’s situated in Paris. The image was taken in 1838 by Daguerre, and if you look closing in the bottom left corner, you’re going to see a man that’s polishing the shoe of another figure.

The Oldest Picture Of A Living Person

The Oldest Picture Of A Living Person

The Oldest Recorded Selfie

People have only begun taking selfies in recent years. However, it seems that there was an American photographer that was ahead of the trend and took the first selfie in October of 1839. His name was Robert Cornelius, and the picture was taken as a self-portrait.

The Oldest Record Selfie

The Oldest Recorded Selfie